I have been using the Dr Witt and this dictionary since they appeared for the iPod. I was amazed to find there were two Thai<->English dictionaries and it has made my study of the Thai language much easier. So, I use both Dr Witts and this one often. With the December 9th release, ThaiDict has become almost unusable. It responds to typing very slowly, most oten with about 5 seconds between touching a key and it responding. Sometimes it seems to stop responding altogether.
Previously, as well, it used to respond to the "pinch/spread" finger gestures to enlarge and reduce the definitions it showed and now it doesnt seem to at all. For someone learning Thai, this was a big advantage, as reading complicated Thai letters at the default font size is sometimes impossible.
I have a first generation iPod Touch but the iPod software is up-to-date and none of the dozens of other applications and games I use show any slow down at all. In particular, Dr Witts dictionary works just as it always has.
Ive removed and re-installed ThaiDict and there was no improvement. I wish I could go back to a previous version.
Barry Abrahamsen about Thai Dict